Now: a podcast by Creative yoga
Get Out of Your Slump
In this episode, Tori Justice, a physical therapist from Kort Physical Therapy, talks about how our posture is key to many health functions, including breathing, digestion, and sleep.
You Be You
What do yoga buzz words mean in real lIfe? In this episode, we look at the yoga value Satya, or truthfulness, and the radical notion of being your authentic self.
No Good, No Bad: Losing the Labels
In this episode, we speak with Dr. Tammy Stephenson and learn how labeling food as "good" or "bad" prevents us from having a healthy, enjoyable relationship with food and ourselves.
A S.M.A.R.T. way to begin a reset and slay zombies in the new year
Health coach and owner of Life Abundant Health Coaching, Michelle Williams, joins the show to discuss how to turn your resolutions into achievements, fight inflammation, slay zombies, and stay in "the now." What a way to kick off the year!
Loving Kindness
In this episode, we discuss the antidote to a chaotic or angry mindset: loving kindness. We include a loving kindness guided meditation.
Meditative Vibe
Kate Hancock plays the singing bowls, and we discuss how to use singing bowls to relax, heal, and meditate.
Doing Good is Good for You
In this episode we discuss the health benefits of giving with Lauren Parsons, director of communications for the Bluegrass Community Foundation. Check out the Day of Giving, gift card ideas, and ways to support your Kula at www.bggives.org.
Cultivating Your Kula
Finding your tribe and cultivating your community will bring health and wellness.
Waste Not, Want Not
In this episode, we speak with Dr. Tammy Stephenson, a professor of dietetics and human nutrition at the University of Kentucky, about food sustainability. We learn how a mindful approach to food can make resources more accessible for others now and in the future.
One Foot in Front of the Other
In this episode, Zack Beavin, a running specialist from John’s Run Walk Shop shares how running (or walking) can lead to mindfulness. Join us as we explore running and walking with mindfulness and meditation.
What You Need to Know about Yoga
In this episode, members of the Creative Yoga team and community debunk common myths and misinformation about yoga. Hear what you really need to know about the practice of yoga. Spoiler alert: it's for everyone.
Create a Mindful Workday
At the request of listeners, we revisit mindfulness at work and offer five tips and a simple meditation to incorporate mindfulness in the workplace.
Mindfulness with Technology
Nishaan Sandhu, Creative Yoga Yogi and a clinical herbalist and mind, body and eating coach, joins the show to discuss how to create digital hygiene to mindfully connect virtually and in reality.
Mindfulness at Work
A talk with Joe Marshall illustrates how a Fortune 500 pharmaceutical company included mindfulness, meditation, and yoga into the workplace.
Anything is Everything
How do you do that? The way you do anything is the way you do everything.
Mindful Wine Tasting
Ally Hanna, buyer from the Corner Wine guides us through mindful wine tasting. We tasted a Finca os Cobatos, Mencía.
Food as Fuel: A Conversation with Laura the Chef
In this episode we discuss intuitive eating with Laura Brooks, a yogi, and Integrated Nutrition Health Coach. Laura shares foods that combat inflammation to how to adopt an eating lifestyle that matches your bioindividuality.
Now. Living in the Now
In this episode, we explore how to live in the Now and what that really means.